Our Focus

We can enable sImple devices with the MedVoice Inside functions to inform  complex case care, using a.i. with real time, historic, regional data, and human intelligence with conversations to lead to be better health outcomes.

"It  is like my device became a Guardian Angel for my health decisions."


What if using my device we could train a patient to be expert at recognizing the important symptoms and findings that part of their condition that they could manage to reduce morbidity?

We can. 


What if we used simple health monitoring devices and communication tools to have conversational artificial intelligence interviews with the patient and care givers?

We Are.


What if all the data on the community social determinants, EMR, formulary, resources, and even weather were part of the data informing care, and a conversational a.i.system could optimize it's use?

We Do.

MedVoice Partners: Device Industry,



and Patients

Conversations driven with real time biometric data from the device, informed by the patient, provider, clinical expert algorithms,  and resources data will lead to better decisions real time for better outcomes at less cost. 

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